I’m available for football history talks, conferences, workshops and lectures

I speak and train as part of my day job as a content marketer. Now, I am looking to do more football talks

For my day job as a technology sector content marketer and copywriter, I’ve run hundreds of group workshops, hosted roundtables and spoken at several key industry events. I have also been blogging and podcasting on football history for the best part of a decade now, with two books out and a third on the way in the spring of 2025.

I want to expand my public speaking and roundtable hosting experience from my day job into what I enjoy talking about most: 

  • Football history
  • Football culture and politics 
  • Groundhopping

Thanks to my day job, I can deliver a compelling story combined with decent PowerPoint, in person or online, and in English or Spanish.

So, if you’re a university lecturer, a literary festival organiser, or arranging a football conference, and would like to discuss potential topics, please drop me an email. I look forward to hearing from you.

Here are some links that might interest you further:

I am also looking to write more for football magazines, having contributed to Glory MagazineFootball Weekends and Halb Vier, so editors, I will be pitching ideas your way… Again, please drop me a note if there’s anything specific that I cover that interests you.